We work closely with our partners to achieve the maximum gain from our co-operative ventures. Other partners not listed in the menu bar above include the European Social Fund, Learning and Skills Council, City of Westminster, London Film Commission, Bk'sheesh Filums, Contrast Films, Inter Island Shipping and PACT.
Key Partners
Channel 4
Channel 4
Alec McPhedran,Training and Development Manager
'Channel 4 has a great reputation for being creative, innovative and diverse. I recognise the Filmworks Trust has been campaigning vigorously for the industry to develop more meaningful career opportunities for disadvantaged groups, and our support of projects like the Insets Skills should be encouraged if the Media and Cultural Industries are truly supporting a diverse and inclusive society.'
Derek Lavinier,Project Development Officer
'Training providers in the voluntary sector play an important role in creating access to film and video training to the socially excluded and to people of ethnic minority origin. The LFVDA is keen to support projects such as the Filmworks Trust and would like to wish every success with its venture.'